Don't have the skills or the time to knit a pair of comfy colourful socks like grandma used to make? I’m here for you! I’m Lucille and I make these socks in lutruwita, Tasmania on my vintage hand operated knitting machine and if you don’t have a grandma who can knit you a pair of socks then these are about as close as you’ll get. They are made from a combination of recycled wool and the remnants of yarn that every knitter ends up with at some point – this can be left over yarn from bigger projects, beautiful colours that didn’t find a purpose and odd balls that I just can’t resist buying from the op shop. This also means that each of these socks will be a limited run. You’ll never know if some of them will be one offs or if you’ll be seeing them again. In addition to that for me knitting over summer is all about having fun and experimenting with colour, so when something sells out you’ll never know what will be coming next.
Lots of time and care goes into making each pair and you’ll feel pretty special wearing them. They make great house socks and you won’t want to put shoes over them because looking down and seeing all those lovely colours is just the best! But they go pretty well a pair of sandals too.
My advice is if you see a pair you like don’t wait! Because someone else might nab them.
(Recycled wool beanies will be back next autumn!)